10-Minute Wind Down Yoga Class Sequence

10-Minute evening wind down yoga sequence

I’d like to call this short, 10 minute sequence, the all-purpose yoga class. My favorite use, however, is towards the end of the day, or maybe at the end of a vigorous workout, or after a long run. You can also practice the sequence on its own for a gentle, slow moving practice.


Best For:
  • End of day wind down
  • Post workout
  • Post run
  • Slow gentle movement
  • Morning class
  • Evening class

All levels

Props needed:


1. Breathing

10 MInute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Pranayama Argentina Rosado Yoga New York -.png

Begin lying down on the back. Separate your feet as wide as the yoga mat and bring the knees together. Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. Soften your shoulders and close your eyes. Once you’re here, begin to feel your natural breath. Notice the inhales, notice the exhales. There’s no need to manipulate your breathing. Simply observe your breath. Stay for about two minutes.

2. Hamstring Stretch

10 MInute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Hamstring Stretch Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

Hug the knees to your chest and make a few circles with your knees. Go in one direction and then switch. Place the sole of your left foot flat on the floor and straighten your right leg to the ceiling. Interlace your fingers behind the right thigh, activate your right foot, reaching the heel towards the sky. Pull belly in towards your spine and keep your shoulders soft and the back of you neck long.

3. Supine Twist 

10 MInute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Supine Twist - Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

Lie down on the back. Bring the knees to your chest and turn them to the left and reach the right arm out to the right. Keep your thighs stacked on top of each other and the knees in line with your hips. Keep the ribs, shoulders, and the neck soft. Return to the middle then switch sides.

4. Cat-Cow Vinyasa

10 Minute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Cat Cow - Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

Start in tabletop (hands and knees). Stack your hips over the knees and shoulders over your wrists. Spread the fingers. On the inhale, lift your chest, arch your spine, draw the shoulders back. On the exhale, push the ground away as you round the upper back and drop the chip to the chest. Repeat a few more rounds. Move with the breath.

5. Side Stretch – Child’s Pose

10 Minute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Childs Pose - Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

From hands and knees, press the hips back, reach your arms forward, rest your forehead on the mat. Tent your fingers and lift your head, as you walk your hands over to the left and re-lower the head down. Hold for a few breaths. Come back to center. Repeat on the other side.

6. Downward Facing Dog

10 Minute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Downdog - Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

From tabletop (hands and knees), lift the knees off the ground, walk your hands forward, lift your hips up and then back towards the wall behind you. Keep the knees bent at first, then start to bicycle the legs by bending one knee (lifting the heel high), then the other.

7. Cobra 

10 Minute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Cobra - Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

From downward facing dog, come forward to a plank pose on an inhale. On the exhale, lower all the way down to the floor. Point your feet behind you, place your hands by your low ribs so that the elbows point towards the wall behind you. As you inhale, lift your head and chest off the floor and squeeze the elbows in towards the body. As you do this, keep your legs active but keep pressing the tops of your feet into the ground. Do a few rounds by lowering the head and chest on the exhale, lifting back up on the inhale.

8. Bridge Pose

10 Minute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Bridge Pose - Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

Lie down on the back. Position your feet so that the ankles are right under the knees and the heels are in line with your sitting bones. Place the arms down by the sides so that the fingers point towards your heels. Lengthen your low back. On the inhale, lift your hips towards the ceiling, actively reaching the frontal hip bones towards the ceiling. Hug the thighs towards each other and press the inner feet down. Similarly, press away from the ground with the upper arms and the elbows to allow your chest to lift a bit more. Keep the neck soft and long. Hold for 5 deep breaths and lower back down.

9. Supta Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose)

10 Minute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Butterfly pose - Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

Start lying down on the back, bring the soles of your feet together and open the knees wide. If your knees are high up from the ground, place blocks or rolled up blankets under the knees for support. Close your eyes and hold for as long as it feels right.

10. Savasana

10 Minute Wind Down Gentle Flow Yoga Class Sequence - Savasana - Argentina Rosado Yoga New York

Lie down on the back. Straighten the legs forward and separate the feet as wide as the mat, so the heels turn in and the toes turn out. Place your arms down and away from the body and turn your palms to face up. Close your eyes, begin to soften the body.

Stay in Savasana for as long or as little as you wish.

Put the cherry on top…

…by playing this Yoga Nidra meditation while you lie down in Savasana. Sweet dreams!




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