Sometimes, all I need in the morning is some breathing, a good, Downdog, and a gentle backbend (one that doesn’t require too much warm-up but still energizing). But, for those days when you can do a bit more, yet still not a full one-hour sequence, the yoga poses below are my favorite in the morning.
These yoga poses, when practiced together one after the other, make-up a short, simple, yet very effective morning sequence to awake and energize the mind and body.
If you know the Sun Salutations and you have the time, feel free to throw that in as well. And, depending on how much time you have, you can hold each pose anywhere from 3-5 breaths.
As always, go with what makes sense for you any given day.
Namaste and enjoy your day!
1. Gentle Seated Sequence
a. Sukhasana (Easy Seat) with Breath Awareness
Start in a cross-legged seat. You may sit on a pillow to add some height to the hips, or on a block or folded blanket. Cross your shins and add support under the knees if needed.
Sit tall and root down through the sitting bones as you reach the crown of your head up towards the ceiling. Soften the shoulders and relax the muscles of your face. Close the eyes and place your hands on your thighs.
Begin to notice your breathing. The simple act of observing our breathing says a lot about how we feel at any given moment. So taking the time to breathe in the morning is a powerful, healing, and intentional practice.
Observe your breath for 1-5 minutes or longer.
b. Gentle Side Stretch
From your cross-legged seat, reach both arms up towards the ceiling so that your palms face each other above your head. Draw the navel in to avoid over-arching the lower back.
Lower your left hand by your left side and side bend to the left. Keep the chest open and the right upper arm by the right ear. Come back to center (both arms reaching up) and repeat on the other side.
c. Gentle Twist
From your cross-legged seat, reach both arms up towards the ceiling so that your palms face each other above your head. Draw the navel in to avoid over-arching the lower back.
Bring your left hand to your right thigh and your right hand behind you. Twist to your right on the exhale. Keep the chin in line with the center of your chest and reach the crown of your head to the ceiling. Come back to center and switch sides.
2. Cat & Cow Vinyasa
Start in tabletop position (hands and knees). Align the shoulders over the wrists and hips over the knees. As you inhale, lift the chest, arch your spine, and draw the shoulders back. Lift the gaze slightly.
On the exhale, push the floor away from you as you round your upper back and tuck the chin towards the chest.
Complete 5-8 rounds on the breath.
3. Downward Facing Dog
From Cat / Cow, come back to a neutral position, tuck the toes under and lift the knees about an inch or two off the ground. For an optional core strengthener, hold this knee-lift for a few seconds. Then, lift the hips up and back as you straighten the legs.
Once here, spread the fingers so that you root down through the inner hands and rotate the upper arms out and in (external rotation). Draw the navel in towards the spine and keep the legs active. Reach the heels down towards the mat (although they don’t necessarily need to touch the mat).
Hold for 3-5 breaths
4. Plank Hold
From Downward Facing Dog, lift the heels very high, tuck the chin in towards the chest as your roll forward into plank pose. Stack the shoulders directly over the wrists and root down through the center of the palms. Actively draw the navel in and keep the legs firm. Reach the heels back, but reach the chest forward at the same time.
5. Cobra
From plank pose, lower your body in one straight line to the floor. Once here, point the toes behind you as you press the tops of your feet into the ground. Activate the legs, place your hands by the low ribs so that the elbows point back.
On the inhale, lift the chest and draw the shoulders back as you widen the chest even more. Gaze slightly down to keep the back of the neck neutral.
6. High Lunge
From Downward Facing Dog, bend the knees deeply, and step your right foot forward between the hands. If your foot doesn’t get there on the first try, walk the foot there little by little. Keep the back knee off the floor and lift the lower abs off the front thigh.
Start to lift your arms forward and up as you lift the torso. Bring the palms to face each other above the head and roll the pinkies in slightly. Lift the frontal hip bones as you increase the space between the front thigh and the pelvis (try bending the back knee slightly to help you do this).
Hold for 3-5 breaths. Lower the hands back to the floor and back to downward facing dog.
7. Triangle Pose
Stand facing the wide edge of your yoga mat. Separate your feet (about 3 feet distance from each other). Turn your right foot out (towards the short front edge of the mat) and your back foot slightly in (toes pointing towards the top left corner of the mat).
Start to lower the torso (so you’re bending at the waist). Lower your right hand down by the shin and the left arm up.
8. Chair Pose
Begin standing in mountain pose (Tadasana) at the top of your mat. Bring your feet parallel (either together or apart). Bend the knees and lower the hips down (as if you were about to sit at the back end of a chair). Reach the arms up and by the ears. Keep the gaze slightly down to keep the back of the neck neutral.
Hold for 3-5 breaths.
9. Bridge Pose
Begin lying down on the back with the soles of the feet on the floor and knees bent. Bring your feet parallel so the ankles stack under the knees, and heels in line with your sitting bones. Reach the arms down by the sides. On the inhale, press down through the feet and lift the hips up towards the ceiling. Hug the thighs in towards each other as if you had a block or small beach ball in between the thighs.
Hold for 3-5 breaths then lower the hips down.
10. Constructive Rest Pose
Begin lying down on the back with the soles of the feet on the floor and knees bent. Bring the feet as wide as the mat and bring the knees together. Rest the arms down by the sides and close your eyes as you feel your breathing.