The chest and shoulders are areas in our bodies that are always being affected by how we feel and how we live our lives. When we are stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, our breathing pattern changes. We hold our breath which causes the chest to overly expand, and the shoulders to tense-up and rise towards the ears. Similarly, when we’re feeling depressed, lethargic, and somewhat unmotivated, our chest sinks and the shoulders round forward (hunchback).
Physically speaking, when we sit for long hours, our chest, shoulders, and upper back also suffer. In this case, the shoulders chronically round forward and the chest sinks. And, let’s not forget about all the texting, reading, and the carrying heavy stuff (backpacks, purses, etc).
Because of this, it’s important to dedicate some time to open the chest and shoulders on a regular basis. The following yoga poses (stretches) are my top recommendations for opening the chest and shoulder areas. You may practice them as part of your regular yoga practice, or on their own at the end of your week.
1. Supported Fish Pose
Place one block on its tallest height towards the back of your mat. Place another block horizontally and on its medium height about eight inches below the first block. See set-up on the photo above.
Sit on your mat with your knees bent and soles of the feet on the floor.
Lie down on the blocks so that the tips of your shoulder blades rest on top of the first block (the one positioned horizontally), and the back of your head on the second block (the one on the tallest height).
Reach the arms out into a T-shape so the chest and shoulders drape over the blocks.
You can keep your knees bent (soles of the feet on the floor) or legs straight (as in Savasana).
Hold for 3-5 minutes.
2. Front of the shoulder Stretch
Lie down on your stomach
Place one block under your right cheekbone to serve as a pillow.
Reach your right arm out towards the right (t-shape) so that the wrist, elbow, and shoulder are aligned with each other.
Roll over onto your right side body as far as it’s comfortable.
Rest your left hand in front of your chest as you hold the pose.
Hold for 1-3 minutes
3. Pec Stretch
From pose #2, come back to center position. Now bend the elbows into a cactus/90 degree shape, aligning the wrist with the elbow, elbow with the shoulder, and fingers facing the front of the room.
This is a deeper stretch and you will not roll as far as you did in pose #2. So be mindful and listen to your body as to where you’ll need to stop.
Hold each for 1-2 minutes.
4. Seated Chest Opener
Find a comfortable seated position, either cross-legged or on the shins (as pictured here). Place a blanket underneath the shins and knees for padding (optional).
Reach both arms up towards the ceiling so that the upper arms frame the ears.
Then, reach boths arms down by the sides and interlace fingers behind the back.
Reach the head of the shoulders back and widen the chest.
Keep the navel drawing in to avoid overarching the low back.
Hold for 5 breaths.
5. Eagle Arms (Garudasana)
Staying in the same seated position as in pose #4, open the arms wide into a t-shape (with the palms facing forward and thumbs pointing towards the ceiling).
Cross the right arm under the left arm, creating a criss-cross in front of the chest.
Then bend the elbows and bring the palms together to touch (fingers pointing towards the ceiling).
Keep the elbows lifted and in line with the shoulders.
Unwind and switch sides, crossing the left arm under the right.
Hold for 5 breaths.
6. Tricep Stretch
In the same seated position, reach both arms up towards the ceiling so that the palms face each other above your head.
Bend the right elbow, placing the right hand slightly below the neck.
Bend the left elbow and place the left hand of top of the right elbow.
There isn’t much movement from here. Just let the right arm slightly relax as you hold it in place with the left arm. Keep the right elbow above the right shoulder, and draw the navel in to avoid overarching the low back.
Hold for about 5 breaths then switch sides.
7. Cow Face Arms (Gomukasana)
In the same seated position, reach both arms up towards the ceiling so that the palms face each other above your head.
Bend the right elbow, placing the right hand slightly below the neck.
Reach the left arm out towards the left (t-shape) and internally rotate the arm by turning the palm to face the wall behind you and thumb to face down.
Now, bend the left elbow, bringing your left hand behind you as you bind fingers together with the right hand.
If the bind isn’t available to you, use a yoga strap or grab your shirt. Do not force the bind.
As in pose #6, keep elbows in line with shoulders, and draw the navel in to avoid overarching the low back.
Hold for about 5 breaths then switch sides.
8. The Self Hug
In the same seated position, reach both arms towards the front of the room so that the palms face each other.
Wrap the right arm under the left arm, creating a criss-cross in front of you.
Wrap the arms around the shoulders, bringing your hands behind you (self-hug).
You may choose to hold still or add some movement by drawing figure eights with your elbows, creating a wave-like/dancing movement.
Hold for 5-10 breaths then switch sides.
9. Thread The Needle
Start in tabletop position (hands and knees). Keep the shoulders above the wrists and hips above the knees.
Reach the right arm out towards the right (t-shape) so that the palm faces the floor, thumb towards the front of the room.
Thread the right arm under the shoulder and towards the left side of the room as you bring the right cheekbone to rest on the mat.
Reach the opposite arm forward.
Hold for 5-10 breaths then switch sides.
10. Chest and shoulder opener with blocks
Start in tabletop position (hands and knees). Keep the shoulders above the wrists and hips above the knees.
Place two blocks on their lowest height under the hands.
Bring your elbows on top of the blocks as your reach the fingers towards the ceiling. Bring your palms together to touch and lower your head towards the floor.
Be sure to draw the navel in to avoid sinking of the shoulders and overarching of the low back.
Hold for 5-10 breaths.
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