Ready to cool your mind, body and soul? Because that’s exactly what this 30-minute Cooling Vinyasa Yoga class is all about. It’s a slow-moving, short and sweet, cooling class that you can actually do anytime of the year, not just summertime.
Of course, it will be particularly helpful after those hot summer days spent outdoors, but you can practice anytime you feel like you need some cooling, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
In the Ayurvedic world, this is known as Pitta reducing.
When it comes to cooling down with yoga, here’s what to keep in mind:
- Stay close to the ground, as standing poses are known to generate a lot of heat.
- Stay away from deep twists and arm balances as they are heat-inducing poses. If you do them, balance it out with lots of cooling and resting.
- Do practice gentle twists as they help release excess heat from the solar plexus.
- Do practice forward folds as they are more lunar, soothing, and calming.
- Take resting breaks throughout the flow to avoid building excess heat.
- Practice longer Savasanas (Corpse Pose).
This class includes all of the above and a little more. Expect lots of resting, gentle sun salutations with breaks in between, gentle twists and grounding forward folds.
You’ll need 2 blocks, but you can use a rolled up blanket, and a stack of books with a towel over it.
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