Breath, mind, and body…
All connected and part of the same glorious team.
If one is agitated, so are the others. If one is calmed, so are the others.
Seriously, if you ever find yourself mentally rushing through the day, meaning, you finish one task to jump right to the other, then chances are that your body and most importantly, your breathing are rushing too.
In the same way, if we learn to slow down the breath, we slow down our thoughts, and our body will follow.
Slow down the body, slow down the breath, and the mind will follow.
That, my friends, is just ONE of the reasons why breathwork
is such a huge part of my personal and teaching practice.
It’s the ONE thing that’s never missing from my classes, whether it’s meditation, Yoga Nidra, or Asana (poses).
This 30-minute, slow-moving, grounding yoga class embodies this same concept.
By slowing down movement, you’ll slow down the breath, and your mind will follow.
A delicious combination for those with anxiety, restlessness, and high stress.
You’ll need 2 blocks and a timer for your self-guided Savasana.