
15-minute yoga nidra meditation - Argentina rosado yoga

15-Minute Yoga Nidra Meditation

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique practiced lying down in Shavasana (Corpse Pose). The practice uses body scanning, breath awareness, and imagery to induce deep relaxation, freedom, and ease. Yoga Nidra is a form of “conscious sleep” or hypnagogic state that takes us into that blissful state between being awake and asleep. This state […]

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how to calm down when you are overwhelmed

How to calm down when you are overwhelmed

  So what exactly are you overwhelmed with? Start by answering this question and acknowledging where you are before going forward. Self-awareness is usually the first step towards healing or overcoming certain situations, feelings, and emotions. To clarify, being overwhelmed doesn’t just mean having a lot on your agenda. We could be overwhelmed with anything like stress, anxiety,

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